TOP 25 Largest Countries of the World about Area are as follow
1 Russia 17,098,242
2 Canada 9,984,670
3 China 9,706,961
4 United States 9,372,610
5 Brazil 8,515,767
6 Australia 7,692,024
7 India 3,287,590
8 Argentina 2,780,400
9 Kazakhstan 2,724,900
10 Algeria 2,381,741
11 DR Congo 2,344,858
12 Greenland 2,166,086
13 Saudi Arabia 2,149,690
14 Mexico 1,964,375
15 Indonesia 1,904,569
16 Sudan 1,886,068
17 Libya 1,759,540
18 Iran 1,648,195
19 Mongolia 1,564,110
20 Peru 1,285,216
21 Chad 1,284,000
22 Niger 1,267,000
23 Angola 1,246,700
24 Mali 1,240,192
25 South Africa 1,221,037
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#Top25, #JustIn3Mins, #LargestCountriesOfTheWorld, #HD, #1080p,
TOP 25 Largest Countries of the World about Area , Geography , HD, 1080p,
Descending Order, #Geography,#Pakistan,#LargestCountriesOfTheWorld,#HD,#1080p,TOP 25 Largest Countries of the World about Area,Geography,HD,1080p,Descending Order,USA,CHINA,RUSSIA,SAUDI ARABIA,INDIA,CANADA,ALGERIA,ARAB,EUROPE,AMERICA,ASIA,AUSTRAILIA,TOP 25,#Top25,#JustIn3Mins,TOP 25 Largest Countries of the World w.r.t Area
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